Narrative and life model oil paintings by Mike skidmore


Every now and then, I venture into painting subject matter away from still life. My artworks are eclectic in terms of imagery. The beautiful woman and frog came from listening to my brother reading a well-know fairy story to his daughter. As for the dancers, I’m as addicted to Strictly Come Dancing as most other people seem to be!

A fragile world is a social/political comment about the trauma humans have inflicted on planet Earth. Atlas is holding an egg which is symbolic of the globe he normally carries.

Painting life models tends to be something I just do for myself, however occasionally they make it to my shop.



Narrative figures in oils


A fragile world. Oil on canvas 40x50cm


Life studies in oils


Kneeling life study of a woman. Oil on canvas 30x30cm


SOLD Love lost. Oil on canvas 30x24cm


Life study torso of a woman. Oil on canvas 50x40cm


SOLD Salsa dancers. Oil on canvas 50x50cm